Archive for October 2011

Computational Search Engine – Wolfram|Alpha

When we look for something in the web we use search engines. Like many of you my favourite SE is Google. The term googling started upon doing search using the Google. Then comes Bing. Now what do we search using SE? I asked my friends & collogues about this. Majority of the answers are almost anything. Well I also think more or less the same, but with an assumption of existence of the information on the web. This means I search for things like address of restaurant or coffee shop,  specific product review, news for certain things or may be work related information etc. I believe most of you also do the same. In simple words we search information present in the web using SE.

Now if you need to find out the some information like 30 degree C equivalent F or 8% tax upon $1200 or interest amount upon $4500 with 13.5% yearly compound interest etc. Best way is to find out pen & paper and a calculator to do the math. I found out an interesting search engine powered by computational power. Continue reading ‘Computational Search Engine – Wolfram|Alpha’ »