Indian currency number 2 word conversion
I had created number to word conversion function earlier. Now while working upon a web based financial management application I need to use this function once more. However I found my old function is not working properly with big numbers and also with currency amount(2 digit decimal value). So I need to change the code a little bit. Ranajit suggested me to put this a post as he didn’t find out any such good conversion code. He informed me about some PEAR class [Numbers_Words], but it provides USD as currency.
First check this working example here – CurrencyToWords, then the code is here:-
[code lang=”php-brief”]
$paisa = $this->numbers2words($amtArr[1]);
$CurnStr .= ‘Rupees ‘.$rupee;
$CurnStr .= (trim($paisa) != ‘Zero’ && trim($paisa) != ”)?’ & Paisa ‘.$paisa.’ Only’:’ Only’;
return $CurnStr;
function numbers2words($number2convert)
$CodeArray = array(
‘upto10’ => array(“Zero”, “One”, “Two”, “Three”, “Four”, “Five”, “Six”, “Seven”, “Eight”, “Nine”, “Ten”),
‘upto20’ => array(“Eleven”, “Twelve”, “Thirteen”, “Fourteen”, “Fifteen”, “Sixteen”, “Seventeen”, “Eighteen”, “Nineteen”, “Twenty”),
‘series10’ => array(“”, “Ten”, “Twenty”, “Thirty”, “Forty”, “Fifty”, “Sixty”, “Seventy”, “Eighty”, “Ninety”),
‘suffixwords’ =>array(“Thousand”, “Lakh”, “Crore”),
$divisor = 100;
$Counter = 0;
$Rslt = “”;
$cNum = (float)$number2convert;
$rNum = floor($cNum%1000);
$cNum = floor($cNum/1000);
$Rslt .= $this->lowerThousandInWords($rNum, $CodeArray);
while($cNum > 0)
if($Counter == (count($CodeArray[‘suffixwords’]) – 1))
$Rslt = $this->numbers2words($cNum).’ ‘.$CodeArray[‘suffixwords’][$Counter].’ ‘.$Rslt;
$rNum = floor($cNum%$divisor);
$cNum = floor($cNum/$divisor);
if($rNum !=0)
$Rslt = $this->lowerHundredInWords($rNum, $CodeArray).’ ‘.$CodeArray[‘suffixwords’][$Counter].’ ‘.$Rslt;
return $Rslt;
function lowerHundredInWords($num, $codeArray)
$rStr = “”;
if($num >= 100)
return FALSE; // number is higher than 100
if($num <= 10)
return $codeArray['upto10'][$num];
if($num <= 20)
return $codeArray['upto20'][$num - 10 - 1];
$lsd = floor($num%10);
$num /= 10;
$msd = floor($num%10);
$rStr .= ($msd > 0)?$codeArray[‘series10’][$msd]:”;
$rStr .= ‘ ‘;
$rStr .= ($lsd > 0)?$codeArray[‘upto10’][$lsd]:”;
return $rStr;
function lowerThousandInWords($num, $codeArray)
if ($num >= 1000)
return FALSE; //number is higher than 1000
$rStr = $this->lowerHundredInWords(floor($num%100), $codeArray);
$num = floor($num/100);
$hund = floor($num%10);
$rStr = ($hund > 0 ? ($codeArray[‘upto10′][$hund].’ Hundred ‘) : ”).$rStr;
return $rStr;
You can use it like
[code lang=”php-brief”]
// Shows : Rupees Four Lakh Sixty Two Thousand Five Hundred Seventy Two & Paisa Forty Five Only
Hope this helps 🙂